Sunday 23 August 2009

Tuesday 12th

Left Grizedale just before midday arrived Stirling 2ish.

We quickly set up camp and went to get some lunch (very nice little cafe but oh wow £14 for sarnie n roll).

Whilst in the cafe had a little think about what to do with it been close to 5 we knew it would need to be near by. Had seen a sign post for Castle Campbell on our travels to the cafe so knew this was close by. After checking our Historic Scotland book knew we could use our membership so we headed up the hill.

Not really expecting much just a bit of a ruin on top of a hill but time filler before tea and less time on camp site as it was not the nicest of days weather wise.

WOW after a roller coaster walk up steep hill down hill climb again we caught a glimpse of the castle. Looked pretty impressive hiding in the woods and hills.
We eventually got inside the castle and was shocked you entered into grand court yard and looking up left was a complete tower. We went inside the tower and entered at what would have been the storage areas cellars and Jail. Leading from there was 2 spiral stair case. we went up that and it led to many rooms and great hall. We then got to the top and I realized just how high we were, Great views of the local area and the east wing ruins and gardens. The north face has had a Tea room built inside and other rooms that were locked but if it was as grand as the Tower (West wing) I'm sure they were great sized rooms and made Castle Gloom a very nice place to live. Castle Gloom became Castle Campbell in 16th Century when the new owner asked his friend (The King) if he could call it something nicer.
The pictures don't do this place justice it was very nice.

Seen as the weather had changed for the better we decided to go on a walk in the grounds and surrounding area. We went on and on along a walk with a very powerful stream with lots of waterfalls and pools at the side of us. It took a while to realize but this walk was not going to go round in a circle as it should of (If I had choose the correct path ). Once we reached the top of the mountain took some pics and had a rest. We then walked back taking a left turn so as to head in direction of the car. I had a plan and started walking through the 4ft high ferns trying to walk in a more direct route. With the area been so hilly and wet this did prove to be a very stupid ida I was enjoying my self going for a Ramble though, Julia how ever was not happy as she did not have anything like the right sort of clothes or shoes on for this walk (Now a hike).

We did eventually get back to the made path just in front of the castle. The now lowering sun was creating lovely image of castle in the woods.

When we got back to the campsite felt pretty grubby so had a shower and went out for tea the weather had turned again and to be honest was feeling lazy and tired after the drive up. We found a lovely quite local pub and got a drink but was a little upset as they were not doing food that evening. Still early we got out the Map and Historic Scotland book and planned our next day of castles. Had another pint whilst doing this and decided we would get Chinese take away and take it back to the tent. Eat our food and went to bed read all the history of Castle Campbell, It was a very interesting read and I was looking forward to the next day of more castles.

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