Monday 24 August 2009

Wednesday 12th

Well we had a good night sleeps and with everything we had planned for the day lazing in bed was not an option.
Got up and had cereal, Whilst Julia had shower I got everything out for her EggyBread start to the day. We nipped to shopping outlet so I could buy some shoes that didn't leak the minute there was moisture in the air. Found some really comfy and sort of cheap ones.

We headed towards Stirling castle excited that we were about to do something both of us had wanted to do for years.

Oh dear Stirling was bus we maybe should have got up even earlyer. Not to worry we are members so we are allowed to park for free so we drove all the way past all the people and parked cars up and up the twisty cobble and tarmac streets. Really glad member because no way would I be happy about walking from the bottom and doing the mile or two walk up the hill.

We did have to wait for about half hour to get parked but that was still better than the hour or so it would have taken to walk the hills.

No sooner had we bought our book and guide headsets the main gate guys got us turned around and on to do tour o Argyll lodgings. A House built in 17th century and in cracking condition. The main house that stands facing the courtyard was not the original size (far from it) the original was just the left hand side corner a simple small ish 2 up 2 down. The estate was then bought by a Richer man who extended the Left hand house out towards the road and built 3/4 what is the main building. This was then bought by a richer man and with his wealth he wanted to show off by making it even bigger and grander he made the final 1/4 of the main house a whole wing on the right and two towers at each end and the wall and gate to make it private courtyard. He was nice enough to recognize the men who had built there bits before him and (info a little hazy) had there names and the dates they built there bits put on various bits visible from courtyard. Info on this hazy as the tour had moved inside as we were getting soaked and as the Tour guide was describing the final bits I sort of switched off as every time I looked out the window to see what he was meaning I seen sky or window ledge (the windows were a bit high or the rain had shrunk me). The room we were stood in was a massive great hall with a roaring fire going. This is where the staff would eat on a big long solid table the folk closest the fire end of table would be the better staff, the ones near the door would be lower class staff. this room was also where the staff would sleep at night. It was also where the folk coming to see the Earl would be left to sit next to the fire drinking port or wine or sherry left to wait till the Earl seen fit to see you.
Leading from this room were the kitchens and cellars formally the little 2 up 2 down.
There was a grand stair case to the right of the kitchens. This was the first that had a turn in it and made of ???wood in Scotland the Earl had all the best new stuff. We walked up the stair that kings and queen had done in the past. To a great hall this hall was very nice and still had the original art work on the walls. Not bad for over 250 year old wallpaper. from this room was where the earl would be sitting and he had a not bad size room. He also had a rock n roll bed incase sitting was too stressful. leading from this room was a tiny room where the wife would sit and write. Also led on to the very purple bedroom (Julia now thinks its posh having a purple bedroom fingers crossed we don't any more purple).

We did a bit more looking round but the tour was over and we wanted to go see the castle.

We entered the entrance courtyard were told about the Princess palace (the newer building the last king made) the Kings home the original Kings quarters, The great hall, now the rest of the castles should stop calling there's great there alright but this is GREAT and this is before even been inside. There was some other buildings around too but I can't remember em.

We went in the Great hall and

Speechless what a room the size the feeling the look the roof the stained glass windows the size of house's it was just so grand and dare I say it again GREAT!!!!! I wouldn't have thought pics could give you the feeling of this room and I suggest to any one it is well worth a visit.

We did do quite a bit more exploring but the Palace was shut and there weren't a great deal other things to see. A bit disappointed to be honest. We left after about 2hours. Hmm best mention the great kitchens they are a good bit of history just too busy to enjoy!

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